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US Social Surveillance Abuse Puts Civil Liberties in Jeopardy

According to various publications in the American and foreign media, the United States has created a global system of cyber espionage that allows the interception and processing of personal data around the globe in violation of fundamental human rights. Tapped phones...

Vladimir Platov

Washington's Quiet Proxy War Against Vietnam

Washington's meddling across Asia has grabbed headlines recently in Hong Kong where US National Endowment for Democracy (NED funded opposition leaders attempted to trigger a "color revolution" targeting the government of Beijing and Hong Kong's local administrators...

Tony Cartalucci

It is no longer Al-Qaeda, now Russia is the 'main threat' for the US.

The victims of the current political events in Baltic States will not be politicians or oligarchs, but the so-called ordinary people who, as usual, will pay the highest price for their political ignorance. They were always paying for it, usually by their...

Konrad Stachnio