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Growing the Russia-China New Relationship

While the Obama Administration is preoccupied with keeping an increasingly unhappy EU firm on further economic sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Putin is busy outflanking an increasingly desperate Washington. Rather than fixate on the deliberate US...

F. William Engdahl

Georgia: Someone Else’s Problem Strikes Again

When political crisis breaks out in certain countries we are told, “here we go again, it is always like that in those places”, as if there is some congenital fault in the people which makes them incapable of running their affairs. If desirable changes then occur...

Henry Kamens

Grandsons of the Saudi Arabia Dynasty Founder have Approached the Throne

The 25th son of the dynasty founder Abdulaziz Ibn Saud – Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud – was declared the new, seventh, king of Saudi Arabia. The 35th son – Muqrin bin Abdulaziz al-Saud – was declared the crown prince...

Bakhtiar Usmonov