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Behind the Political Smokescreen — What is the Real Yemeni Agenda?

Hailed a success and a model by US President Barack Obama in September 2014, Yemen, this poorest and most populous nation in the Arabian Peninsula appears to have but disintegrated under the weight of its political crisis. And if Yemen somewhat managed to...

Catherine Shakdam

Ukraine: Do really believe that ISIS was cruel? Please stop joking

The most famous method was the so-called gloves, that is, cutting right before elbows and pull the skin down to the fingers of still alive Poles, and then drying and wearing in the honour of "Samostojnej Ukraine". The more...

Konrad Stachnio

Myanmar: Meet Aung San Suu Kyi's Saffron Mobs

Not unlike other US-backed "color revolutions" around the world, Myanmar's "Saffron Revolution" is sold as an ultra-liberal pro-democracy, progressive movement, with one of the West's most successful neo-colonial creations...

Tony Cartalucci