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Syrian refugees ‘abandoned’ in Lebanon

Syrian refugees. There are several million of them all over the region: in Turkey and Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, even in Egypt. Clearly, a “Syrian refugee crisis” has been triggered by the West and by its allies, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. For years, all of these...

Andre Vltchek

The Iran-US Nuclear Deal: Latent Realities

One of the most remarkable and defining characteristics of the international state system is the making and re-making of alliances between its constituting components: the nation states. The making and re-making of alliances is, however, not an autonomous phenomenon; rather...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance

Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by...

F. William Engdahl