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The growing danger of the “Islamic State”

Every day frightening reports unexpectedly emerge on the actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS terrorist group, who seems to be really gaining momentum, as if they feel invulnerable and act with impunity. An example of one of the unpredictable reports on...

Vladimir Mashin

Truth Behind Israeli Spying on Iran Nuke Talks

Recent revelations of Israeli spying on the Iran nuclear talks are far more “spin” than story. Israel’s American spy network, elected members of the American senate, grown fat on cash from Afghan poppies and the whorehouses of Macao, are the real...

Gordon Duff

Poland: NATO's Logistics Base

Foreign colleagues journalists often ask me why Poland and the Poles are so stupid and help sinking Ukraine with being a useful idiot for the United States. This question expresses a profound misunderstanding about what Ukraine is and what Poland is now. At present, in...

Konrad Stachnio