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The Vulgarity Of Czech Collaboration With The USA

In front of the Palace of Justice at Kinsky Square in Prague, a few anonymous stones are all that is left of the once powerful monument to the Soviet soldiers who liberated Prague from German Nazi occupation. In 1945, the long postponed Prague Uprising...

Andre Vltchek

North Korean Hackers or South Korean Disorderliness?

As it turned out, mysterious ‘DPRK combat hackers’ delivered a new strike: South Korea accused North Korea in hacker attacks on the computer systems of its NPPs, accomplished at the end of 2014. As it turned out, the computers from which...

Konstantin Asmolov

US-Israel Wage War on Iran in Syria

The ongoing conflict in Syria has always been a proxy conflict aimed at  Iran, as well as nearby Russia, and more distant China. As far back as 2007, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh warned in his 9-page New Yorker report "The Redirection Is the Administration’s new...

Tony Cartalucci