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Yemen on the Verge of Another Tragedy?

The sudden and completely unexpected escalation of conflict in Yemen quickly heightened tension not only in the nearby region, but far beyond its borders as well. Politicians are actively scrambling to interpret its international import, predict possible consequences and...

Viktor Mikhin

Political Repression and Resistance in ‘Democratic Europe’

For all its rhetoric about “liberal democracy” and “freedom,” Europe has quietly become a hotbed of political repression. While some groups are allowed to express themselves openly – from fascists that praise Nazi collaborators of the World War II period...

Eric Draitser

Saudi Aggression in Yemen has Officially Failed

Against the background of the ongoing armed conflict in Yemen and a massive bombing campaign that is being carried out by Saudi Arabia's air force, one can notice signs that all parties involved might be soon in pursuit of a political settlement of the conflict. Two full weeks of air raids have shown...

Viktor Titov