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Global Alliance for Health and Social Compact/Corruption “does Georgia”

One would think that good health is a public good, and therefore a functioning healthcare system should be accessible to all, at least in theory. This is the idea which lies behind healthcare systems in different European countries...

Henry Kamens

The US-Israel Rift: “Best-friends” Falling Apart

It was not so long ago when analysts spoke of an ‘enduring’ US-Israel alliance and its impact on the Middle Eastern politics. There was a time when the US itself spoke of and ‘believed’ in shared values and unprecedented alliance, not...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Monsanto is Buying Lands

It is believed that there are just over 1.4 billion hectares of land potentially suitable for agricultural production in the world. According to many Western experts, today agricultural land assets are highly profitable business investments, and therefore in the coming years alone, allocation...

Vladimir Platov