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Armenian Genocide Remembered “4-All The Wrong Reasons”

On April 24 Armenia was holding various events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, which is conventionally held to have begun...

Seth Ferris

California Goes Dark

“We had better share our bewilderments. By hiding them from each other we should not hide them from ourselves.” C.S. Lewis. The darkness now enveloping the state of California is not a result of a power failure. Rather, it is the result of too much power, concentrated in the...

Janet Phelan

Drama in the Mediterranean

Mid-April 2015 will go down in Mediterranean history as a time of terrible tragedies. In ancient times called the Great Sea and Mare Nostrum, meaning “our sea”, it is coming to be known as the “sea of death”, having become the grave of many hundreds of immigrants, who...

Vladimir Mashin