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War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing in Yemen

A month  into its unilateral military aggression on Yemen, Saudi Arabia appears to have lost most of its composure, finding itself in a quagmire it never thought it could fall into - especially not in the most impoverished and instability-racked nation in the Arabian...

Catherine Shakdam

Shinzo Abe on American Tour

Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe paid an official state visit to the United States, which lasted an unprecedented seven days (from April 26 through May 3 of this year and became one of the key cogs in the correlation machine that takes the form of a strategic "US-China-Japan"...

Vladimir Terehov

Monsanto's Covert War on European Food Security

Working quietly on the back of political turmoil driven by Western special interests (including itself Monsanto has begun literally planting the seeds of genetically modified organisms' spread throughout Europe, starting in Ukraine and working westward...

Ulson Gunnar