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Are Ukraine and Georgia’s aspirations for NATO membership a threat to European security?

The Ukraine crisis has brought to the forefront of the debate the role of NATO in Europe’s security architecture. After about a decade of being trapped in the conflict in Afghanistan and being seen as...

Cristian Nitoiu

US-GCC Summit: Hopes and Outcomes

The US-GCC Summit held on May 14 at Camp David, designed by the American administration as a demonstration of the inviolability of the relationship between the Arabian monarchies and Washington against the backdrop of the impending deal with Iran on their nuclear...

Pogos Anastasov

Russian Embassy Attack: Terrorism Or Act of War?

On Tuesday, May 19th the Russian consulate in Damascus suffered another attack by NATO proxy forces trying to overthrow the government of Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded with a statement condemning the attack as an act of “terrorism”...

Christopher Black