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China’s New Roads to Russia

I know of no comparable global Great Project to equal what is now unfolding, bit-by-bit, as China reveals more about her Silk Road Economic Belt high-speed railway infrastructure network. And it’s now clear that the road will be filled with entire new cities, industrial zones...

F. William Engdahl

Britain is Set to Open the Door to Cancerous GMO

This summer, British scientists are expected to begin field trials of a genetically modified (GMO potato dubbed by proponents the ‘super spud’, whose developers boast will be free of fungal diseases and other pest problems. GMO maize and oil seed rape could...

Steven MacMillan

Shell – a Threat for Alaska

A wave of protest is growing not only in the US but also in many other countries of the world in connection with the recent decision taken by Shell and supported by the Obama administration, to start implementing the plans to send two oil-extracting platforms for drilling five oil...

Vladimir Odintsov