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Anti-Yemen Campaign Resulted in a Shia Rebellion in Saudi Arabia

On June 3 the capital of Yemen was subjected to a new massive air raid launched by the Arab coalition. After that initial attack, regular air bombardments were resumed with renewed severity. We are talking about dozens of...

Petr Lvov

The Dangers of Human Gene Editing

It is often said that if it can be imagined, it will inevitably be done. And such a sentiment could not be any truer in terms of applying genetic engineering and synthetic biology to the genomes of our planet's organisms including humans themselves. While...

Ulson Gunnar

Facing the Rohingya Crisis, Myanmar’s Elite Speak With One Voice

The dire plight of refugees, asylum-seekers and economic migrants fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh has captured global attention in recent weeks, as Southeast Asian nations struggle to cope with the influx of thousands who have...

Nile Bowie