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Bernie Sanders: Anti-Russian Propaganda and “Vermont Socialism”

The presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders -- an anti-Russia, Israel-supporting politician from Vermont -- revives an archaic feud among leftists. The old debate about “sewer socialism” is back. In the early part of the 20th century...

Caleb Maupin

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Keeping the US Hegemony in-tact

The much talked about Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P to be signed between the US and its allies in the Pacific region, has undoubtedly acquired central position in the US’ “Asia Pivot” policy. Given the scale, range and extent of this agreement, it...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Church Shooter More than an Enigma

Dylann Roof, we are told, lived at home, had no friends, no online life other than a 5 minutes old Facebook page, no school history past the ninth grade and one of the worst haircuts in history, straight out of a Robin Hood movie. The initial media details on his...

Gordon Duff