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India: The Revolution You Didn’t Hear About

The municipal elections in Delhi, capital of India, on February 7th raised interest in a few journals but not nearly as much as they should have done. There is a reason for this. Many countries are struggling to cope with non-traditional parties challenging...

Seth Ferris

Recent Attack in Tunisia or “There is No Prophet in His Own Country”

This year the Friday of 9th Ramadan became truly “burning” for Tunisia: 40 people were killed, many more wounded. In the holy month for all Muslims, in which “the Qur’an was revealed” (Al-Baqarah 2: 185, when...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova

The United States Celebrates Independence Day — a Time for Re-evaluation

The fourth of July. This is the day for Americans to go down to the beach with a picnic basket loaded up with ham sandwiches and to drink more beer than can possibly be recommended during the work week. This is the day to...

Janet Phelan