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Got Enmeshed in Own Fabrications about North Korea?

According to opportunistic propagandists from the Republic of Korea, the "crazy bloody tyrant" Kim Jong-un became notorious for a number of outrageous crimes. Here are some of them. His first alleged crime was the poisoning of his own aunt...

Konstantin Asmolov

Total War or Bust: The Barack Obama Prerogative

My fellow Americans, friends in Russia, and in the rest of the world – President Barack is going to get Syria’s Assad out, or kill some more of us trying. The Arab Spring the Western alliance created cannot be complete without Assad being ousted, and...

Phil Butler

Who is Going to Mend the Wounds of Western Interventions?

In the last two decades the Western world has been promoting regime change and chaos all across the North Africa region and the Middle East, while only being concerned with financial gains and...

Vladimir Odintsov