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Non-DPRK Hackers, or Another Scandal in the Korean Intelligence Service

Some time ago, the author of this article and some of his colleagues, including foreign ones, began receiving strange letters, with attachments representing rather clumsy attempts to hack mailboxes or to access...

Konstantin Asmolov

Obama’s Iran Speech and the “Gang of Ten”

This week, President Obama addressed the nation and world, making his case against attempts to block the 5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran. As an American political analyst with over 40 years’ experience, I was asked by several overseas and foreign...

Gordon Duff

Iraqi Daily Show Ridicules ISIS

Meat Ahmed Albasheer – the author and host of the Iraqi satirical television "daily" show. For many Albasheer is a second Mister Bean, the role played by a British actor Robert Atkinson who impersonated the image of this legendary pop culture idol, and it's...

Yuriy Zinin