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Kerry's Double Assisted Suicide: Russia Oil Gains, America Loses from Sanctions

Secretary John Kerry and friends have managed what can only be called a brilliant double suicide. The September 2014 deal with Saudi Arabia to crash oil prices, then at $103 a barrel for US WTI grade crude oil...

F. William Engdahl

"Russia and China Together": The Greatest Fear of Donald Trump

In his interview with Bill O’Reilly, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ranted against Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Within his tirade, he proclaimed: “You can’t have everybody hating you. The whole world hates us. One of...

Caleb Maupin

Great Britain is Violating Human Rights

The deeply critical attitude of current United Kingdom politicians in relation to other countries' violations of fundamental human rights is widely known. However, while criticizing other countries, the United Kingdom, with its characteristic stance of...

Valery Kulikov