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Turkish-Uyghur Terror Inc. – America's Other Al Qaeda

It is no longer tenable for the United States and its regional allies in and near the Middle East to claim they are backing "moderate rebels" in the proxy war raging in Syria, Iraq, and parts of Lebanon. There is the Syrian government on one...

Tony Cartalucci

The Secret ISIS Safe Havens Nobody Wants You to Know About

With recent talk of mysterious Russian forces inside Syria, forces no one has been able to locate, including Syrian President Assad, wondrous possibilities open to redress the both regional and global threat that ISIS represents. It isn’t just...

Gordon Duff

New Legislation in the Field of Defense Has Now Been Adopted in Japan

Thus, during the night of 18–19 September 2015, in situation of extreme nervousness the upper house of the Japanese parliament finally ratified a number of laws in the defense sphere, which were approved two...

Vladimir Terehov