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The Western Media Is Dying and Here's Why

Seymour Hersh has risked much over his decades of journalism. He is a true journalist who has been attacked, slandered, and shunned by all sides simply because he seems to resist taking any side. When he reported on US atrocities in Vietnam, he was first...

Tony Cartalucci

European Refugees and Terrorists

As The Sunday Express stated in the beginning of September in reference to a source in the Islamic State terrorist organization, more than four thousand Islamic State fighters have already entered many member countries...

Vladimir Platov

Syria: Western Intervention Created The Refugee Crisis

Since 2011, Syria has been facing a campaign of international terrorism. This terrorism has nothing to do with the peaceful protests that took place during the Arab Spring. This terrorism isn’t led by human rights activists, “democratic socialists,”...

Caleb Maupin