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The Putin-Obama Face Off

Undoubtedly, the most significant event of the last few days was the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. World leaders shared their views of the situation in the world and the speeches of the US and Russian presidents were particularly important in this regard. On the sidelines of the...

Vladimir Odintsov

Some Thoughts on the Ongoing Syrian Crisis

It is not surprising that the dramatic events taking place today in such a relatively small country as Syria, with 20 million people and not very rich in natural resources, are now out on the front pages of the world media: the point is that they, like a water...

Veniamin Popov

US Complains As Russia Bombs its Terrorists

The New York Times in its recent article, "Russians Strike Targets in Syria, but Not ISIS Areas," attempts to frame Russia's recent actions in Syria as dishonest and dangerous. It reports: Russian aircraft carried out a bombing attack against

Tony Cartalucci