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Yemen: The Tragedy Continues

Saudi military aggression against Yemen should be stopped immediately, said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at a meeting with the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir. Moreover, Ban Ki-moon stressed the fact that he sees no solution to the military...

Viktor Mikhin

Oh Oil, where is thy peak?

There are two great myths used in recent years to convince the world of imminent catastophe unless we drastically change our living style in the direction of austerity. Both myths are based on scientific fraud and uncritical propagation by sympatheic mainstream and...

F. William Engdahl

The Mistrals Acquire an Official Residence

The fate of two Mistral helicopter carriers, ordered by Russia and built by France, but not transferred to Russia for political reasons, seems to have finally been solved. The Elysee Palace announced that a principle agreement has been reached for their sale...

Vladimir Belyakov