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US Senate Hearing Discusses Using Refugees as Human Shields in Syria

A recent US Senate hearing regarding Russia's ongoing air campaign in Syria plumbed dark depths when it was actually proposed by retired...

Tony Cartalucci

Obama Says Russian Strikes on ISIS are “Strengthening” ISIS

Welcome to Obamaland, the mysterious, schizophrenic world where the truth is inverted. Washington is rapidly losing the microscopic amount of respect it had around the world, as US propaganda is becoming more childish by the week...

Steven MacMillan

The Oil Showdown is Approaching!

The price of oil remains below $50 per barrel, the lowest since the 2009 financial crisis. Oil prices have stayed low throughout 2014 and 2015.The reason for the drop in oil prices is the massive increase in oil production. Iraqi oil fields are refining more oil than at any time since...

Caleb Maupin