04.09.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The official visit of the Russian President to Mongolia is highly important not only for Russian-Mongolian bilateral relations, but also for all BRICS and the Global South countries, including on the African continent.

04.09.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

At the end of August, Russian and foreign media published some declassified materials from the archives of Russia about the subversive plans of London, Paris and Ankara in the spring of 1940, aimed at destroying Soviet oil facilities and pipelines in the Caucasus to facilitate the collapse of the USSR. What are they warning current anti-Russian actors of?

04.09.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The United States faces colossal internal and external threats to its security, stability and prosperity. All the theories born from the pens of theorists, diplomats and designers of the United States foreign policy are in the process of being trampled under foot. Despite the fruitful works of Brzezinski, Kissinger, Fukuyama, as well as those of many others from the Western lodge, the United States no longer has the monopoly on strategic initiative that we have clearly demonstrated in a separate article.

03.09.2024 Brian Berletic

The US openly declares that it seeks to maintain a monopoly over shaping the “international order” following the Cold War and America’s emergence from it as the sole superpower.

03.09.2024 Vladimir Terehov

In a remarkable development in the Indo-Pacific political puzzle, on August 20 this year Japan and India held a 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in New Delhi in which the foreign and defense ministers of both countries took part. It was the third meeting of its kind, the first of which took place in New Delhi in November 2019. The original decision to create this bilateral platform was taken following a series of reciprocal visits by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart at the time, Shinzo Abe.


03.09.2024 Viktor Mikhin

A series of meetings between representatives of the United States, Qatar and Israel have just taken place in Cairo with, aimed at working out the details of an increasingly elusive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Hamas representatives have repeatedly been invited to join these negotiations, but they have not yet given their consent.

03.09.2024 Taut Bataut

Articles deliberating on the left-right divide, racial fissures, and even the possibility of a civil war in the US were widespread during Trump’s tumultuous tenure. And while a civil war did not precipitate, the world did witness a plethora of incidents that unveiled American societal fractures – most harrowing being the George Floyd protests and the Capitol Hill attacks.

02.09.2024 Seth Ferris

It is obvious that the US-led Western Empire is desperate to destroy one of the last bastions of traditional values and morality, the Orthodox Church, in order to impose its secular religion of deviancy on the countries that are sheltered by the Church. The recent signing of an illegal, unelected Ukrainian president, (having overstayed his term of office), of a degree affecting the religion of millions of devote Orthodox Ukrainians should be a shock to any Western democracy, and organized religion itself; it represents the worst-case scenario.

02.09.2024 Nikolay Plotnikov

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to drag his country into a war with no end in sight. Despite the fact that Israel razed the Gaza Strip to the ground and eliminated several Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, it did not come close to victory on either the northern or southern fronts.

02.09.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

If the core purpose of Washington’s sanctions on Iran was to force a regime change in Tehran and cripple its ability to affect geopolitics in the Middle East, none of this has happened. In fact, recent events show Iran behaving as a country that sounds neither deterred by Israel nor under immense pressure, both economic and military, from Washington. In response to Israel’s killing of Ismael Haniyeh in Iran, Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri said that Iran will “make the aggressor Israeli regime pay the price for its aggression in a legitimate and decisive action”.

02.09.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

In South Korea the summer of 2024 has been marked by a series of spy scandals, which vividly illustrate a number of the country’s domestic and foreign policy problems. In this article we will look at a scandal involving the US and South Korean intelligence agencies. On July 16, 2024, the US federal prosecutor’s office has charged Sue Mi Terry, a prominent US expert on North Korea and a former CIA officer and analyst, with acting on behalf of the South Korea and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). She was arrested but was released on $500,000 bail the same day.

01.09.2024 Muhammad Ali Baig

In the contemporary International Relations, the automobile manufacturing is one of the most important yet profit-making business, providing numerous jobs, and a pivotal aspect of enhancing research and development. However, with the growing geopolitical tensions, enhanced protectionism, and the revival of nationalism; the value of automobile manufacturing has become a matter of national pride and national identity. It is understandable that states take great pride in their national and indigenous carmakers, and consider them to be a part of their national identity, power, and prestige.