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The “Muslim Brotherhood”, the CIA and the international support for the Islamists

The events that took place in Egypt this summer, when the Egyptian president Morsi was toppled, have changed the alignment of forces at the Middle East in an unexpected way. The support of the “Muslim Brotherhood” by the governments of Qatar, Turkey, Iran, and...

Vladimir Odintsov

Crisis in Western leadership – Where are the Statesmen?

"They (the government actually believe that the major obstacle to success in Iraq, is the American people. If they can keep us from knowing the truth, they think they can win!" - General Wesley Clark: September 30, 2006 The Wall Street Journal published on...

Jim Dean

Syria: The Fabricated Evidence

There's no need in specifying all the details of the Assad regime alleged use of chemical weapons – all the facts have been covered a number of times. All the facts that have been properly stated in numerous publications are now covered with a thick layer of groundless accusations...

Petr Lvov