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Terrorism in Syria – Funded by the United States and the Persian Gulf

Despite the public rhetoric from the White House about its willingness to use diplomacy to resolve the Syrian conflict, the United States is now actively supporting the Syrian opposition in its attempt to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad...

Alexander Orlov

The United States and International Law

The 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on September 17, has been particularly long-awaited against the background of the international community's agonizing wait in the last few weeks to see along which path the Syrian settlement will proceed. It is upon the work of the...

Vladimir Odintsov

The oil exports of Iraq

Earlier this summer, a long-term energy strategy was announced in Iraq. The developers of this document forecast that, by the year 2030, the country will have managed to sell 6 trillion dollars’ worth of oil and gas in external markets, thus taking second position in the world suppliers ranking...

Eldar Kasayev