America’s Alice in Wonderland foreign policy made another leap forward this week. The Hollywood scriptwriters must have all be locked in a room somewhere being threatened to turn out more foreign bogeyman stories or be turned over to the al-Nusra head hunters.
Viktor Titov has a wonder article up on NEO about the four Senator Musketeers who have been tasked to make a flank attack on Putin’s popularity in America now for his outclassing Western leadership by showing some old fashioned statesmanship. It seems that the Saudis and CIA recruiting of all the low life Arab criminals and gangsters to go fight in Syria…maybe that well is running dry. They are bringing up reserves from the Congressional low lifes.
Russian bank sanctions are the new diversion being put in front of the American and world publics in an attempt to take some of the heat off Obama-the-Bomber, and Bully America. Someone needs to tell the Senator sock puppets that some of the illegal banking and company sanctions on Iran have had time to be overturned by British and EU courts, and with harsh opinions like there had never really been any legal basis for them. European taxpayers will now have to foot the damage awards.
In the case of the unilateral media sanctions against Iran’s Press TV we have seen the usual interplay between Israeli intelligence, various Jewish owned communications corporations and the supporting countries’ Jewish lobbies…a traditional Axis of Evil. But their plan backfired as nothing travels like wildfire faster than a world public running to see what elitist Western bullies don’t want the rest of us to know.
These self appointed censors have already been christened ‘media terrorists’ in the independent Intel community, and I suspect they are going to eventually get some of their own medicine. The Mossad has long been using international media platforms as key espionage bases. Some they own outright like the big one in Canada, and others are owned by friends who work closely with them. The readers are familiar with some of their names.
I would not be surprised to see some of their operations exposed in kind of a tit for tat retaliation. This would create huge scandals for the host countries as their own intelligence people have known that these media platforms have been penetrated and taken over by foreign Intel agents and assets. But they have never warned their respective publics or the shareholders of the public corporations.
This has all been ‘hush hush’ and continued on because of protection from the highest political figures in return for getting support from these media entities and having their adversaries punished. This has even included using foreign intelligence agents and assets to operate dirty tricks missions prior to and during election campaign periods.
Full scale espionage operations are a staple in the American politics now, and not a single arrest or network broken up yet. It makes one think someone has given them a free pass because it has been going on a long time. And there are many retired Intel people that can spill the beans on it when they choose to. They often do not retire without taking some juicy things home with them as protection against being used as an expendable scapegoat. It’s a nasty world.
Senator ‘al-Qaeda’ McCain just set a new record for making a fool of himself in Pravda. Americans were not shocked as they consider much of his behavior due to the onset of dementia. As reported in Press TV, …’US Senator John McCain has said that he is “more pro-Russian” than the government of President Vladimir Putin which “misrules” the Russian people “today.” ‘
I had to read that twice when I saw it today. His staff and his speech writers should all be shot for letting him stick his foot in his mouth like this. Next time he has a lunatic idea they should have him admitted ‘for observation’.
They should have had someone to advise McCain on what Russian Intel has in their files on him, the Coors family legacy, and daddy McCain…that is enough to have him retire ‘for personal reasons’. We won’t even get into the Hanoi Hilton days. We have an old saying here, ‘people who live in glasses houses should not throw stones.’ McCain throws boulders.
I have saved the terrorism sanctions part for last. Both the Israelis and the West have long legacies of terrorism, but for different reasons. The Zionists used it against the British, and then later for ethnic cleansing for their ‘lebensraum’ (growing space) for the millions of Jews and their money they had hoped to transplant to Israel. The West’s terrorism was painted on the Cold War canvas where a lot of unpleasant things happened, and no major country was innocent during that period.
But the Russians chilled out after the breakup of the old regime, and the West…well they kept their terror campaign rolling and it is still with us today, something most publics don’t really know the extent of. The outrageousness of the Obama regime using proxy terror against Syria is well known by everyone that we at Veterans Today know with more than two brain cells to rub together.
But the current tactic to frame others as threats to world stability has angered many loyal military and civilian Intel people who did not sign on to engage in black ops to the detriment of their country, their own families, and a world struggling financially to survive against the Neo-Robber Barons.
Gordon Duff, VT’s senior editor, published in Press TV this week; …”Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law. It was never intended as a vehicle for false-flag terrorism. That would come later. It was a cover operation meant to allow clandestine operations that required a high degree of deniability.
Al-Qaeda is an organization totally under the control of the intelligence agencies of the US, Israel, Britain and France. The real foundation of al-Qaeda and its oversight, its very real hierarchy, is outlined below….Chosen to head that organization was Osama bin Laden or “Colonel Tim Osman,” as he was known.”
Osama bin Laden was ‘Tim Osman’, and a key figure in repatriating 116 Stinger missiles in Pakistan (1989) as a very high level CIA asset. In 1990 Mr. Osman was treated for his kidney ailment at an American medical facility and then flew to the US where he engaged in very high level meetings, staying at the Mayflower Hotel and holding meetings at the Metropolitan club. The meeting content is classified.
Europe suffered under Terror-Lite with Operation Gladio, but the Russians got the full brunt in the Chechen war, and the Balkans, too. Muslim extremism was used as a smokescreen to keep a Cold War, described by Secretary Robert MacNamara as a really ‘hot’ one, continuing on when the world could have turned a new page in international relations.
Someone, some powers…the kind that work in the shadows with political figures acting as their front men, did not want that. They are still with us today. We see their handiwork in the upheavals of the Mideast and Syria, fortunately stymied temporarily by adept Russian diplomacy until the dark forces find some way to defeat it. They are scheming as I type.
We saw them play some initial flanking cards this week with the Senator sanctions and the McCain silliness. It is time those of us who have been assigned the canon fodder role to adopt a different one. State terrorism has to be faced directly for what it really is, a threat against all of us. The appropriate international measures must be used to combat it. From a legal perspective that would involve removing diplomatic immunity for all those involved.
Yes, I know they would probably not be able to be arrested in their respective countries, but neither should they be ever again be able to get on a plane to leave their countries without facing apprehension.
We need a special no fly list.
They have our skin in the game, and did not ask us for our permission. It is time to put their skins on the line, also, and repay them the discourtesy by not asking ‘pretty please’. If we don’t find a way to do this we will never be safe. They can send a phony terror group to visit us any time they choose, with rogue veterans as their handlers…I am sad to say.
Jim W. Dean is the managing editor for, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, a member of the Assoc, for Intelligence Officers and Sons of Confederate Veterans, specially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook“.