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Troublesome Times for the Mongolian Economy

In early October of 2014, the Mongolian coalition democratic government, because of its policy known as the "Reform Government” at the initiative of Prime Minister Norovyn Altankhuyag proposed a reform of the government by reducing the number of ministries from 16 to 13 by their merger...

Mark Goleman

Will American LNG Help Europe Out ?

Given the rapid growth of gas production in the United States and the number of LNG plants under construction there, the strengthening of American influence in the global gas market is just a matter of time. The fact is undeniable. However, the capabilities of...

Alexander Rogozhin

Russia Turkey and the New Greek Sirtaki

The European Union has an uncanny knack for shooting itself in the foot these days. Under strong pressure from a Russo-phobic Washington administration and various Russo-phobic EU governments, Brussels last year decided to take steps to block the bilateral agreements...

F. William Engdahl