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Oil Tests May Prove One Test Too Many for Erdogan

Before oil is sold, it is tested. Oil test labs know exactly where the oil they test comes from and where it goes. We knew this even before the Las Vegas Sun broke a story about it. But even though this story provided confirmation that there is...

Henry Kamens

Russia's Dollar Exit Takes Major New Step

For some time both China and the Russian Federation have understood, as do other nations, that the role of the US dollar as the world's major reserve currency is their economic Achilles Heel. So long as Washington and Wall Street control the dollar, and so...

F. William Engdahl

The House of Frankenstein -FDA and GMO Salmon

After more than three decades of researching and writing on themes of mankind's inclination to abuse and harm our fellow human beings, I rarely receive something so shocking I have difficulty to write about it. A recent decision of the United States...

F. William Engdahl