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Indonesia, China, Gold and ISIS

At first glance it's a strange title for an article. What does Indonesia, China, Gold and the Islamic State or ISIS have to do with one another? That might begin to become clearer when we look more closely at the foreign economic policy actions...

F. William Engdahl

Georgian Energy Minister Scoffs at Frontera's (Latest) Huge Gas Reserves Claim

The Frontera Company, based in Houston, Texas, has been hanging round the Caucasus for years. Every so often, it tries to justify its presence there by claiming...

Henry Kamens

The "New Silk Road" and Belarus

More than two years have passed since the leadership of the People's Republic of China announced its decision to revive the Silk Road and establish trade routes connecting the countries of the Pacific Rim to the Middle East and Europe. The Republic of Belarus is expected to be...

Dmitry Bokarev