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Clouds of Uncertainty Continue to Loom Over Iran-nuke Deal

While the very first anniversary of the historic Iran-nuke deal was celebrated only a few days ago, the deal has largely failed to bring Iran-US relations back to normalization due primarily to the financial sanctions that the U.S. has not yet completely lifted...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The USA Debt Time-bomb Tocking, Ticking, Tock, Tick...

Most of the world has an image of the United States as the one country of the advanced industrial world that took consequent action in the wake of the March 2007-September 2008 financial crisis. The result, we are carefully led to believe—via the politically ever-correct mainstream media like...

F. William Engdahl

Who Will Develop Uranium Deposits of Tajikistan?

The sharp drop in the popularity of nuclear power after the disaster at the Japanese power station, Fukushima-1, turned out to be temporary. Limiting energy consumption is not feasible not least because hydrocarbon energy resources...

Dmitry Bokarev