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Bright Prospects of Russia-Japan Economic Cooperation

It's a well-known fact that Japan is one of the most import-dependent countries in the world. All of its energy stations are ruining on imported fuel, since natural resources are scarce in the land of the rising sun. After...

Dmitry Bokarev

'Yuan-ization' of the World is Under Full Steam Now


On October 1, 2016 China’s yuan has been officially accepted in the list of the IMF’s reserve currency with a share of 10.93%, taking third place after US dollar (41.73% and euro (30.93%. This means that all central banks of…

Sofia Pale

US Media Weaponizes "Economic Outlooks"

Thailand is currently undergoing a sensitive period with the passing of the nation's long-lived, revered head of state, King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Indeed, the mood across the country is somber, however, the actual business of...

Tony Cartalucci