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Two Great Roads: Infrastructure in the USA & China

As the end of 2017 approached, the Chinese Ministry of Transportation announced its plan for the next year. In 2018, China intends to build over 200,000 kilometers (124274.238 miles of new roads in rural areas. The result will be to connect 5,000 rural villages to asphalt...

Caleb Maupin

Trend of Inter-Regional Cooperation of Russia and China

The cooperation at the regional level gives additional depth and solidity to the economic relations between the two countries. It demonstrates the level of mutual trust and facilitates the establishment of truly warm relations, economic...

Dmitry Bokarev

Syria’s Post-War Reconstruction Will Shape the Syrian End-Game

While almost 85% of Syrian territory has now been liberated from ISIS and other terrorist groups, according to Russian Ministry of Defense, and dialogue on political settlement and reconciliation...

Salman Rafi Sheikh