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Brexit: The EU Asks Hard Questions Only It Can Answer

The Brexit debate is no longer about whether it is a good thing for the UK to leave the EU. Now the UK government has finally agreed to a Brexit plan, the one which drove Boris Johnson and David Davis to run away, the EU has eagerly read through it, hoping it would find...

Seth Ferris

Central Asia is Resurrecting Its Common Energy Supply System

The Central Asian (CA nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, all have quite a number of socioeconomic issues. Still, they do possess substantial resources, whose rational use may help them start developing rapidly, especially if they combine...

Dmitry Bokarev

11 Million Reasons for Wall Street & London to Hate Russia

Why does the US media have an anti-Russian fixation? It’s not what the American people want to hear. 71% of the Ronald Reagan-loving, military-obsessed Republican Party approve of Trump meeting with Putin. On the other side, top liberal CNN commentator and former President Obama’s...

Caleb Maupin