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Rosatom in Kyrgyzstan - opening a new page in the nuclear power industry

Low-capacity nuclear power plants are one of the most promising areas that determine the key trends in the development of nuclear energy on a global scale. Once complex, dangerous, labour-intensive and science-intensive NPP development projects, the cost of implementation of which implied economic profitability only in case of impressive scale and capacity of the projects, could be implemented only in the most developed countries of the world.  Now such projects, especially due to the scientific breakthrough…

Boris Kushhov

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming monstrous

There is an increasing number of conflict situations in the world today. Most of them are caused by unilateral actions of the US, which has claimed the right to interfere in the affairs of other states. In a unipolar world, Washington continued to enrich itself at the expense of other countries and people by fomenting conflicts in various parts of the globe. In the Pacific, the US is creating tension around Taiwan, using it to “contain” China, its main economic competitor. At the same time, it is provoking strife between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea…

Vladimir Mashin

China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran: New Corridor Promotion and Infrastructure Competition Between Countries in the Region

On October 8, 2023, negotiations were held between representatives of the transport and railway departments of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey to discuss the details of the new Eurasian transport corridor, designed to connect China with the European Union along a new route. This project is a development of the China-Central Asia-West Asia-Europe corridor proposed as part of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013; however, it assumed a slightly different route configuration that did not affect…

Boris Kushhov