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Washington Treats the EU as a Vassal State

It seems that Donald Trump has no other approach to Brussels except from the one that is reminiscent of the way vassal states were treated back in Medieval days. One could even get an impression that the sole purpose of European existence is to satisfy the untamable avarice of...

Grete Mautner

On Erdogan’s Plan to Defy the US

Turkey’s Erdogan didn’t just start riding a flying horse when he decided to confront the US for its unilateral actions and a virtual plot against Turkey, manifested through particularly the imposition of tariffs and the resultant fall of Turkish lira…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Is the US Beheading the Turkish Economy as an Act of Terror?

The US continues to play its poker game of “Show Down” with a growing list of unhappy countries. We are at the point where we might soon see a call to rename the US… to the United States of Sanctions, the USS. Turkey is getting most of the publicity now with its currency and economy under assault. The sanctions...

Jim Dean