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Iran is Expanding its Regional Influence in a Big Way

LA45345222Last few weeks have seen the Iranian diplomats and top officials engaging in a lot of diplomatic activity in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria, marking a systematically built web of relations that Iran is building as part of a policy based upon what its supreme leader…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Vladimir Putin as Mad Max and the Impending Oil Disaster

The US withdrawal of all remaining diplomatic personnel from its embassy in Caracas means the real geostrategy show is about to start. For months now US policymakers have been on the rhetorical, economic, subversive interference offensive against the government of President...

Phil Butler

After Bleeding Thailand Dry, Soros is Going in for the Kill

6805040193The highly controversial figure of George Soros, the man who created a great many of various hedge funds including Soros Fund Management to become one of the richest men on the planet. If Forbes is to be believed, his personal fortune exceeds the mind-boggling sum of 25 billion

Jean Perier