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Will the US’ “Maximum Pressure” Strategy Vis-A-Vis Iran Work?

444432The US strategy of “maximum pressure” on Iran aims to bankrupt the Middle Eastern country in order to cripple its ability to (successfully challenge hegemonic pursuits of its arch regional rivals: Israel and Saudi Arabia. While the strategy of imposing sanctions is not new…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Japan’s Political Ambitions could be Jeopardized by its Energy Dependence

1448675There has been much talk of Japan recently, which has significantly intensified its foreign policy: Japan is working together with the United States to promote the Indo-Pacific strategy with multilateral support within the framework of the US-Japan-India-Australia…

Valery Matveev

Russian Kalashnikov Reconquers the Global Arms Market

The Kalashnikov Concern is the flagship manufacturer of small arms in Russia and one of the Russian defense industry’s most important enterprises, which has had a long and successful history of exporting its products to numerous different countries for many decades. Foreigners...

Dmitry Bokarev