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Europe Has no Freedom But to Choose “Freedom Gas”

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently renamed US liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports "freedom gas." But freedom for who? For Europe who already has a cheap and reliable source of natural gas, but is being forced to switch over…
Tony Cartalucci

US War on Huawei is a War on Tech Sovereignty

Unable to compete on equal terms with Chinese telecom giant Huawei, the United States and the corporations that influence its domestic and foreign policy have decided instead to simply cut Huawei off from its many monopolies including chip manufacturing and mobile phone operating systems. But US measures come at a time when Huawei is already well on its...

Ulson Gunnar

Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?

No, this is not at all an endorsement of the apocalyptic scenarios of AOC or that famous young Swedish climate expert, Greta. It is, however, a look at unusual weather disasters in several key growing regions from the USA to…
F. William Engdahl