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How Exactly did the US Lose the Trade War With China?

The ongoing trade war between the US and China has caused both countries economic damage, leading to lower exports for China (by almost 25% and  higher prices for consumers in the US, but economic and financial losses aren’t the most significant negative aspects. And, whereas both the US and China are beginning to signal a possibility...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Latest Negotiations on Issues of Trade between USA and PRC

From 10 to 11 October, the 13th round of negotiations on issues currently plaguing the bilateral trade and economic ties between the United States and China took place in Washington. The Chinese delegation was headed by Liu He, the Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and a current member...

Vladimir Terehov

China - The Belt and Road Initiative – The Bridge that Spans the World

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also called the New Silk Road, is based on a 2,100-year-old trade route between the Middle East and Eastern Asia, called the Silk Road. It wound its ways across the huge landmass Eurasia to the most eastern parts of China. It favored trading, based on the Taoist philosophy of harmony...

Peter Koenig