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Washington Sells Scrap Metal at a Premium Price Tag

Back in 2003, an alternative media site based in Belgium - Indy Media, published a rather clever article titled “Why America Needs War” drafted by a renowned political scientist, Jacques R. Pauwels. Due to the fact that this article has recently been republished by a well-known and respected alternative media site Global Research, a lot of attention has been drawn...

Vladimir Platov

Russia Takes Over the Middle Eastern Arms Market

For many years, the Middle East has been a turbulent region, where military clashes and terrorist attacks occur regularly. The Middle Eastern governments pay therefore special attention to security issues and the development of military technologies. It is especially valuable for them to cooperate with Russia in these areas, as Moscow is an established authority in the defense...

Dmitry Bokarev

Big Pharma: Dangling Life Over the Dying

There are very few who have yet to come to the realization that Western pharmaceutical corporations and the health care systems they have created, control, manipulate and exploit represent not only a particular pinnacle of corruption, but also threaten rather than preserve the health of the many millions who fall within...

Ulson Gunnar