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Rebellion against the Elites may be Just Around the Corner

These days we’re witnessing more and more articles published both by leftist and independent media sources as well as larger sites that state that global inequality is “out of control” owed to the inherent injustice of modern economies allowing billionaires to accumulate huge fortunes at the expense of the rest of society. Just recently, Oxfam International, an international...

Vladimir Odintsov

Globalization and Our Precarious Medical Supply Chains

The grave risks and dangers in the process of worldwide out-sourcing and so-called globalization of the past 30 years or so are becoming starkly clear as the ongoing health emergency across China threatens vital world supply chains from China to the rest of the world. While much attention is focused on the risks to smartphone...

F. William Engdahl

DefExpo India 2020: Military Cooperation between Russia and India is as Good as Ever

For some time now, India has been one of the main importers of Russian weapons and military equipment. According to the data provided by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation, India has ordered $70 billion worth of Russian military goods since 1991. And at present, the South Asian...

Dmitry Bokarev