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Corona – The Aftermath

What will be next? Is a question on many people’s minds. Very likely the world will never be the same again. That might be god, or not so good, depending on how we look at this disastrous, “pandemic” which by all serious accounts does not deserve the term pandemic, that was unwittingly given to the MERS-2-CoV, or 2019-nCoV, renamed by WHO to COVID-19. In mid-February Dr. Tedros, WHO’s Director...

Peter Koenig

In the “Oil War”, Washington Blinks First to Survive

The “oil war” started by the Saudis (and the US has, within a matter of weeks, already led to a change in the narrative from purportedly establishing ‘shale oil dominance’ to ‘energy market management’ and avert a crisis that could ultimately destroy the very shale oil industry of the US. This resulted in the US president  holding a phone conversation with Russia...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Going Down with the Ship

The mightiest Empire ever to have existed is being brought down by a bug. Aesop had nothing to say about this, but someone out there will know whether the situation is unique. (I breathed a sigh of relief upon learning that the former British Foreign Secretary, one of the ubiquitous Cameron brothers, is heading the International Relief Center for the Corona Response in camps where refugees from...

Deena Stryker