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2020: Welcome to Our Brave New World!

A hundred years from now a scraggly little kid in a crumbling old library building in Melbourne will stumble across an interesting book on a dilapidated leather top table. The cover will show a collage of profiles of men and women at podiums. The title will read simply “2020”. The author’s name will be obscured by time and Australia’s tepid climate. Reading or watching...

Phil Butler

China’s Economy – and Globalization - A Look into the Future

After the corona crisis, may the world be facing a monumental paradigm shift of power towards a more balanced civilization - more social justice and equity? The global almost total lockdown, chosen by most governments around the globe in response to mastering the Covid-19 crisis, devastated the world economy, as we know it...

Peter Koenig

The Economic Aspects of a Trade War between Japan and Korea

On 4 July 2020, it will be exactly one year since Japan introduced export restrictions on South Korea on three types of chemicals critical for the microelectronics industry: fluorinated polyimide, hydrogen fluoride, and photoresists. South Korea called that step the start of a trade war. We should recall the essence of the issue: Japan highlights...

Konstantin Asmolov