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EU Cries "Human Rights" as Cambodia Turns to China

What should the world make of the West's attempts to pressure the Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia on humanitarian grounds when the West is guilty of the worst (and still ongoing abuses of the 21st century? Wikipedia provides a quick and simple definition of the psychological concept of projection, stating: a defense mechanism in which the human...

Joseph Thomas

Latest Phase of the Trade War between Japan and South Korea

The author has reported, on more than one occasion, that over the course of the history-related dispute between Japan and South Korea, the issue of comfort women is being gradually replaced with that of forced labor. In fact, its victims are trying to receive as much compensation from Japan as possible via legal action. And decisions made by South Korean courts on the issue...

Konstantin Asmolov

Turkey: The Political Economy of Hagia Sophia

Turkish lira, as of recently, has been in a freefall, indicating the overall health of Turkish economy. Since the beginning of 2020, Lira has fallen by 20 per cent against US dollar. Its adverse impact on the economy and politics has, however, been largely absorbed by the euphoria of Hagia Sophia and the intense symbolism of return to Ottoman glory. Whereas Turkey’s Erdogan...

Salman Rafi Sheikh