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Japan and the UK Agree on the Implementation of a Free Trade Agreement

On October 23 in Tokyo, Toshimitsu Motegi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Elizabeth Mary Truss known as Liz Truss, the UK Secretary of State for International Trade,  signed a bilateral document ("road map" for the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement, which was already agreed on September 11 this year, during...

Vladimir Terehov

COVID-19: A Silent End to the World As We Knew It

The news that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is against closing EU borders to halt a second deadly wave of coronavirus cases made me realize - they just don’t get is yet. Forty-five million people have been infected, and over a million have already died, and the best our leaders can come up with is guesswork and prayers. This is the feeling on the streets...

Phil Butler

China's Growing Ties with Laos

The landlocked Southeast Asian nation of Laos, officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic and home to a little over 7 million people, has over the past decade built important ties with neighbouring China particularly in the fields of tourism, trade, investment and infrastructure. For a nation that has suffered tremendously amid and in the aftermath of the US war on Vietnam...

Joseph Thomas