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The World’s Centre is Reverting to Asia

The Asian Times writer Pepe Escobar is one of the most widely read and respected commentators in the English language, although he himself is a Brazilian and therefore always writing in a foreign language. In part because of the location of his major media outlet, Singapore, and in part because Asia is clearly where Escobar sees the future of the world, he has...

James ONeill

Relations Between China and South Korea: The Economic Aspects

Having scrutinized the political aspect of relations between the PRC and the ROK, let us briefly examine the economy’s state of affairs. First, a few general numbers. Over 28 years of diplomatic relations, trade between the two countries has grown 40 times, and in 2019 amounted to $ 243 billion 400 million. In the first seven months of 2020...

Konstantin Asmolov

RCEP Agreement Signed; Without India

Contrary to the skepticism of the author a year ago, on 15 November of this year, during one of the (video summits based on ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations that include ten countries, the Agreement on the creation of a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP was signed. This completes the long-term process of forming...

Vladimir Terehov