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The Geo-politics of EU-China Investment Deal

The recently announced EU-China principally agreed investment deal is a watershed moment, marking a first EU-China investment deal of its kind that would open the doors for the EU to make direct investment in China. China will also have opportunities to expand its reach in the European market. While the deal would yield numerous benefits to the parties involved, it also has very visible...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Future of Economic Cooperation between Russia and India as Pandemic Continues to Abate

It is a well known fact that the COVID-19 pandemic, which began at the end of 2019, has resulted in a global economic downturn and a fall in trade between nations, including the Russian Federation and India. The two countries have been partners for a long time. Economic ties, in strategic spheres...

Dmitry Bokarev

Russian Wheat and Global Food Security during the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a serious blow to almost all the spheres of different nations’ economies. In order to slow down the spread of the disease, borders were closed, manufacturing facilities stopped their operations and, in essence, all necessary measures were taken to minimize movement of and contact between people, who were only allowed to work...

Dmitry Bokarev