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China's Belt & Road Already Delivering for Southeast Asia

The West’s propaganda campaign against China is attempting to convince the world that Beijing and its policies pose a global threat. China is accused of everything from presenting an outright military threat to its neighbors and the world, to sinisterly trapping nations in debt for infrastructure projects the West insists are unnecessary in the first place. However, the West...

Brian Berletic

Turkey’s Sociopolitical Crisis is getting Worse

Turkey has lately shown signs of a clearly growing socio-political crisis in the country. Its economy is going through a difficult, if not disastrous, phase: the lira is plummeting, foreign exchange reserves are shrinking, external debt and unemployment are skyrocketing. All this raises doubts about the republic’s financial and economic prospects and...

Vladimir Odintsov

China-Iran Strategic Cooperation Changes the Balance of Power

There has been a marked shift in the balance of power in the world as the US has recently intensified its attempts to regain world domination, including through sanctions against countries trying to demonstrate their independence from Washington. And in this respect, Beijing’s attempt to create a multipolar world based on an alliance with countries...

Vladimir Platov