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The True Cost of Europe’s Sanctions Upon Russia Are Now Being Revealed

Last Tuesday Russia’s Gasprom company announced that it was restricting the flow of natural gas via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany by 40% from previously planned levels. The restriction was justified on the basis of delays in equipment to affect necessary repairs. Those delays are directly attributable...

James ONeill

Iran and Russia Revive the North-South Transport Corridor

Following agree- ments reached during the January official visit to Moscow by Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to further develop and deepen bilateral relations between Iran and Russia, the countries have decided to jointly revive the North-South Transport Corridor. This decision...

Vladimir Platov

The West Unsuccessfully Tries to Play the Algerian Card

It is now clear to all that the gas war the US and Europe unleashed against Russia, has been lost by the “collective West”. Moscow managed to push “gas for rubles”, forcing the EU to “reverse gear” by agreeing to Russia’s terms. European companies can now pay for Russian gas in rubles, which would not be considered a violation of sanctions, according...

Vladimir Odintsov